Why Client Communication at the Dealership is So Important

Your auto dealership relies on numerous factors for its overall success. Things like quality salespeople, a good selection, and great prices go a long way. However, of all the factors that can help your business grow, client communication is one of the most important. The better your communication with buyers (as well as those utilizing your service center), the better off your dealership will be.

The Most Important Times to Communicate with Customers

In an auto dealership and service center, there are three very important times to ensure that communication with your customers is clear.

  • When they are interested in buying a car. Numerous studies have shown that consumers are apprehensive when it comes to buying cars – especially used cars – due to the significant amount of distrust throughout the industry. When customers want to buy cars, it is crucial that dealerships exude honesty and transparency regarding those cars.
  • When they bring their autos in for service. It is also imperative that you communicate effectively with customers when their cars need to be serviced. Reports of mechanics and dealerships scamming consumers with extra charges and even labor that isn’t required is prevalent, and once again, this causes apprehension. When you can communicate effectively and provide consumers with evidence of the repairs that must be completed, this builds a great deal of trust and gives your dealership an advantage over competitors.
  • When your customers use a loaner car. Finally, many dealerships across the nation have falsely charged their customers for loaner car damages, even when those customers were not at fault. Proper documentation and communication is vital for your customers’ sake and your own.

How to Communicate More Effectively

Honesty and transparency are critical when it comes to building trust with your customers, and the best way to do this is to provide them with physical evidence whenever possible. For example, when a customer is interested in an auto, give them a tour of that car and be honest about any good or bad points. You can even do this via video if the consumer is not inclined to browse your lot right away.

What’s more, when a customer brings his or her car in for service, your technicians can utilize video to show them exactly what the problem is to build trust. Then, utilizing their built-in text apps, those customers can provide a written agreement and promise to pay for the services rendered. This benefits not only the customer, but also your dealership. It is evidence that the customer was given the correct information and agreed to the services you provided should the customer have an unfounded complaint later.

Whether you are selling someone a new or used car, providing them with regular maintenance or repairs, or even giving them a loaner car to use while theirs is being serviced, communication is absolutely vital. When you can build trust within your community, you will have a significant advantage over your competitors, and ultimately, that advantage will facilitate growth.