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Introducing the new
TruVideo Enterprise App

You helped us improve the whole experience.

Download the new app and improve your whole experience

Our new app offers two exciting additions that we know you’ll appreciate: an optional noise-canceling feature as well as a super-efficient biometric login. And for technicians who are associated with multiple dealers, you can more easily switch back-and-forth between accounts.

Of course, we’ve kept all your favorite features and benefits, including:

  • Image stabilization
  • Resolution optimization
  • Bi-direction microphone
  • Selfie mode option
  • Pause feature
  • Auto-delete video function to save phone storage
  • Stitching multiple videos together
  • Clipping videos
  • Pulling videos from the phone’s library
  • Subtitle option


Make your TruVideo experience the best it can be.

Download the new TruVideo Enterprise App today.