Commercial Trucking

TruVideo’s communication platform revolutionizes heavy truck servicing in today’s time-sensitive transportation industry.

Get Trucks Back On The Road In Record Time

TruVideo helps you get trucks back on the road in record times, helping make your company an industry leader in customer satisfaction, vehicle service times, and increased revenue.

Personalized Video Diagnosis

AI-Powered Text Platform


Digital Inspections

Expedited Approvals

Increase Revenue

Happier Customers

Personalized Video

At Your Leisure Communication

Internal Communication Management

Two-Way Texting

Reporting & Analytics

Various System Integrations: DMS and SRM

Centrally-Managed Communication

Customer Engagement


Reduced Dwell Time

Wallwork Case Study

Video Player
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To find out how TruVideo can help your dealership drive revenue and improve customer experience, talk to one of our experts.

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Angie Kraus

Service Manager

Lynn Monson

Service Technician

DMS/SRM Integrations pull all RO data in your system to avoid double entry.

Simply click on the RO in the TruVideo app and send videos or text directly to the appropriate case.

All communication is automatically logged in the repair order.

Frequently Asked Questions

How will this fit in with our existing workflow?

TruVideo works with your techs and advisors during your training sessions to identify prime opportunities to leverage text, video, or both.  Whether it’s a DOT inspection, sending an estimate, or simply an oil change.

What kind of Hardware/Storage space do we need for this?

TruVideo is Cloud-based. So all communication is sent to the cloud including videos and your text history. Technicians can use their personal or shop phones and videos still won’t take up any storage. Your advisors operate out of a browser window, so they don’t need to download any clunky applications.

How many service members have access to TruVideo?

There is no limit to how many users have access per location. It’s up to you who you want to use it.

Do you need to use your own personal number?

TruVideo purchases a unique phone number for each department that handles all communications with the customer. The customer will never see the personal phone number of the advisor or the technician.

How are advisors notified they have a video for review or a text response?

Advisors have the option to receive any/all of our notifications. Most advisors will receive a popup notification on their desktop to alert them that something requires their attention. We recognize that advisors often work in many tabs, so the popups hover over any other application that the advisor may be running at the time. They will also stay on the screen until they are clicked or closed, ensuring that the advisor cannot miss a notification when they are away from their desk. The advisor also has the option of receiving an app notification, text notification, or email.

Ready to speak to a TruVideo expert?